About Us

The Suraku Academy is a training cum coaching institute for C.S. students with slogan "GO WITH PRACTICAL".

Our Vision

We are nurturing the talents in the right direction to contribute to this technological world and make their future successful.

Our Mission

We are trying to overcome students' fear of programming languages and develop their interest in programming languages.

Our Running Courses

We provide a wide range of computer science courses including academic classes for BCA, B.Tech, MCA, BSC-IT, MSC-IT students, in-demand programming languages and other computer science subjects. We focus more on practical rather than theory so that students can understand those things better. We also guide and provide study material, coaching classes for technical competitive exams like BCI (Basic Computer Instructor), SCI (Senior Computer Instructor), ACP (Analyst Cum Programmer), NET-CS (National Eligibility Test-Computer Science), Programmer, IA (Informatics Assistant), TGT Computer Science, PGT Computer Science and so on.

Our Recent Blogs


Solved Paper PPL Through C | 2016 | Rajasthan...

  • February 28, 2020
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  • By Banjara Nirmohi

In this blog, we provide the solution of BCA Part-I Previous Year P...

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Dynamic Memory Allocation (DMA) in C

  • March 29, 2019
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  • By Banjara Nirmohi

For the execution of a program, it is essential to bring the progra...

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More about Pointers in C Language

  • January 01, 2019
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  • By Banjara Nirmohi

The pointer is a special type of variable that is used to hold or s...

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Nesting of conditional operator in C/C++ Lang...

  • November 28, 2018
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  • By Banjara Nirmohi

The conditional operator is also known as "Ternary Operator&qu...

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What’s Student Say?

Why Suraku Academy?

Here are some things that make SURAKU ACADEMY different from other coaching institutes and remain in students' priority. The Suraku Academy continues to do new experiments, especially for BCA students, so that they find this course easy. Here we do not ONLY talk about the SYLLABUS, but while teaching each subject outside the CURRICULM, attention is also given to its keywords, its usefulness, concept, worksheets, solved examples, and practice questions. We provide FREE ONLINE CLASSES for programming languages and various computer science subjects, as well as free classes for competitive exams like NET, GATE, Computer Instructor, Informatics Assistant, PGT and TGT Computer Science, RPSC Programmer, and more.

Message to Parents


As a parent, you definitely want the best for your child, and we are happy to be working with you to make sure that they are given the real knowledge to face the challenges in their career. Also, we want to assure you that, along with studies, the principles of morality, spirituality are taught, which builds a motivating and enthusiastic culture.

Therefore, SURAKU ACADEMY assures you that we will work with your child with full devotion. We wish the child a bright future. Thank you for your COOPERATION and TRUST. We will always be grateful to you. Thanks once again.

Best Regards: